Creative love

Det här är novellen jag skrivit till engelskan om man orkar läsa allt så får man gärna göra det xD eller man ska göra det xD. inehåller lite stavfel fortfarande men det får man ta :D jag blev iaf nöjd :D kanske ska namge karaktärerna men jag kunde inte göra det från början kändes så opersonligt för mig att skriva så de fick vara namnlösa för att det ska kunna vara vilka man vill egentligen.


Creative love

The little town had just woken up. And he was on his way to the hill where you could see the landscape that was so beautiful he just sat there as always watching the world and nothing to do. But some things where missing. It was something where you could express all you´re feelings and someone to express them to that was all. A bit later in the afternoon something new happened thought. A new shop had opened in the town. It was a camera store he did not know what a camera was. So he went there. When he entered the building a girl about his age where there. Now he knew what hi was missing he was missing here and she was as beautiful as the sun on the hill and all the tress and birds on the hill. But he just thought that it was no idea to say something about how I felt he had been hurt so many times before. Then all of a sudden she spoke to him she asked what he was doing there and he had to answer her and all that came out of him was that he was looking for a camera.

Then he felt he also had to ask something because she did. He did ask what she was doing there. She answered a bit more nervous that he thought she would to when she seem so eager to speak. So she just answered whit a short I moved here. Then he left the building. He felt so glad it was the first time he felt confidence for that she might be the one he felt that her way of speaking must have meant something like a sign for that he would find true love maybe ?.

Thereafter the next day came. He went down to the town square just to be there. Then he saw her go by he asked her that he could not remember what she actually said the day before she sad: - I told you I moved here yesterday to sell cameras and she laugh her laugh was wonderful he felt that he always wanted her laughing and be glad to see him. And then she asked what he said the day before. He said he was looking at the cameras had she really forgotten what he said the day before she might have been so glad about that they meet so she maybe just forgot about the words that where spoken.

Maybe they did not always have to speak to understand each other they had another language than all the others their spirits was the same. Then he went home thereafter he sent her a message whit his pigeon it flew up in the sunset he wrote his minds about life and everything about the little town and the hill. She became very glad about the letter and she wrote about herself back. Some weeks thereafter he had stood on the hill just because she maybe go by he waited for so long he could wait almost forever just for her and he felt he could always do. Well and then she came by they stopped and talk for a while and their connection felt so much stronger now. The week before she had sell a camera to him so she asked how it went he said that it was almost that when you paint it just a bit more difficult.

Yes I know she said I sometimes write poems when I don't take pictures sometimes I also play the piano. His admiration for her became even more strong and day by day his feelings went deeper into his heart. Then she had to run to the shop she said that he could call her sometimes to speak more. He called her that afternoon just to speak a bit and they spoke for so long. She said she was busy. But he did not mind if she could not talk cause love is not just words it could be just to know that the other one is there. So he excused himself. But then she said no keep on talking. I am just a bit busy but I got the time to speak to you. He felt that must have been a good thing she said. He felt so glad know. He had also read in the daily paper this morning that there was a big festivity at the town square the next day.

So he asked if she would like to go there with him. She sounded a bit shy at first but then she said yes she would like to do that. They went there the whole day because it was a Saturday. He felt really glad she was just so adorable the whole time he really felt that maybe their could be two soon if not soon he felt that they where intended for each other. When they went apart that Saturday. She said she had spent her Saturday wisely when it was really fun to be at the festivity whit him she also said they could meet sometime again but maybe not until two weeks since she had so much to do whit the shop and everything these two weeks they sent there newest photographs to each other as I said before they did not had to speak in words to understand each other this what was how they would communicate when they where busy and had no time.

But one day as he woke up he felt something was wrong something had dissapered from the town. He went down to the town square to see what it was. At first he could not see what it was. Until he saw that her shop was closed and all cameras in there was all broken as someone had broke them whit purpose and her wittings had been burnt. He now felt so very angry because you could see that someone had done this. But why ?. Then he saw a note on the door it said. “For the safety of others this facility has been gone signed by the emperor of the five empires. In a smaller text it also said that “everyone who use things called creative use witchcraft and shall be the next who will get removed”

he almost felt that he would report himself to the imperial ministerial for “creativeness” which now days was seen as a crime. Because if he did he might meet her again he had to meet her he could not let her be all alone in a imperial prison. She must be could and sad there he had to rescue her if he did not he felt so sad. He went away from the town whit his camera and just walked out in the land. He was so sad all the colors that had been so intense was now only Grey he could not be glad now when she was away.

Everything felt so dark and sad now. He had to find her his feelings was so strong so he could not let it go just like that. No he had to search for her if it would take forever he still would search for her he could not get over her. He had walked for days he was so tierd very tierd but he would go on because he had just found out what love was. Eventhougth it probobly was imposible but he would do it anyway nothing schould stop him. Nothing and Nobody could stop him. Then all of a sudden or more about three days later he almost fell aslepp but then he saw the imperial prison. He could not sleep now he had to rescue her at first. He entered througth the huge gate. Into the visitors lounge he spoke to a guard but he refused. He was afraid now but he could come over the fear if he could be able to rescue her. So he just ran trhough into to the dungeons down the stairs, now the guards where after him but he ws faster. He had already taken the keys from the guard from the beginning. Then he opened the door and she was there now the time stood still for a long time they spoke for long and they huged. They where very glad and he was so glad that he was able to rescue her. And now the to of them where together. And now they run as the time stood stil it stood stil because he felt the precense of her and for him the whole world always would stand still. They ran away and they ran all the way back to the town. When they where back at the town square he confesed his love to her. He felt very nervous though, what if she did not feel the same but he had to find out. Even if she would say that she did not feel the same way he still would have loved her. But she did not say no she said that she felt the same. Then the two creative soles lived a happy life thereafter. And they would share there creativeness toghether. And they found out that love can come over all the dispear and sorrow in the world. And that all obstacles that would come would be easy when they had love. THE END !


Haha dessutom har jag kommit på måndadens låt xD enligt mig :D det är iaf I am a rock av simon & garfunkel. typ handlar ju om december och så xD perfekt helt enkelt ska lyssna sönder den denna månad xD


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