English !

© Jim Gardmo
Något jag skrev på engelska lektionen då vi hade typ creative writting xD men ska nog göra en annan till det. det här blev mer som en dikt som jag inte ska använda till något speciellt :D läs om de som läser min blogg vill men det är långt och inehåller stavfel på vissa ställen :D


In the middle of December everything is dark, the sky is Grey and the cold is all around.
But i can see so much more because feelings does not die even if the rest does. My feelings that I feel for you is still there. So inside of my heart there is always summer and it is filled whit life. Even if I just speak whit you for some short time, It will be summer for ever. I hope that you also can see what's deep inside this heart of mine.

It might seem that I don't know the reason why and I probably don't. But that is not important the important thing is that I feel like I feel and I hope you can see that there is no other reason.
Just my feelings strong like the sky. More shall not matter.
There is nothing logic about love anyway.

Even thought it seems so. I know there can't be non. If it where it would not feel like this. I don't know why I feel this love so strong for you I can't keep calm when you are around. Althought it is a good kind of  nervousness, I feel glad inside my heart of this nervousness.

I still can't say why I feel like this and maybe that's a question I can't answer. But it is no reasons about when it comes to feelings. It is not at all something you decide to feel. It comes to me and all around like a storm inside.

It is just like a storm. Sometimes you are so glad. And I can only hope it will be as I want although sometimes it also hurts, it hurts even thought I can take that burden if I can be with you. That would be what I would do. And that would be just like a storm.

The wind of the storm don't know where to go. It is glad and alive and has a hope so strong. The rain is  what's hurts but it also give life to the living. That is how it feels inside this heart of mine. It feels so dark those days when I has not seen or spoke to you I feels so sad. But when I do, I feel so very glad much more glad then everything.

Also when you are around everything seems gone I can only see you then and nothing more. Everything and everyone but you disappear.

© Jim Gardmo


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